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Teaching Practice

Students in SMAN 1 are divided into two: Science Classes and Sociology classes. They also have two types of Mathematics subjects: Wajib (this is more likely General Mathematics) and Pemiratan (this one is only taught in Science classes). I was assigned to teach both Wajib and Pemiratan. I taught two Grade 10 classes X MIPA II (10 Science-2) and X MIPA 6 (10 Science-6). I handled Pemiratan on both classes and taught Wajib on X MIPA 6.

X MIPA 2 ❤️.jpg
Procedures in Teaching

During my practice teaching, I was given the freedom to choose whatever approach I will use in delivering my lessons as well as in making my lesson plan. My cooperating teachers did not set any standards and let me do it on my own but they were there to mentor me if ever I needed help about my lessons.

Before we start the discussion, I usually let a student to lead a prayer (One of the things I have observed during the first week). I started with my preliminary activity, often a game-based power point presentation in order to catch the interest of the students.Sometimes, the lesson proper already revolves around the game. It's like playing while discussing. Other times, I proceed with the discussion of the lesson. I call students randomly for boardwork recitation and  I was very overwhelmed that they were really active. For my evaluation, I adopted the 'worksheet strategy' of my cooperating teachers, I let them answer it either individually, by pair or as a group. 

Time management and

organizing activities

The duration of their Mathematics class is either 135mins or 90mins. Usually the time is enough to finish the lesson for the day. Every classrooms already has a ready projector so there was no problem in setting it up first. 


During my last day of teaching, I was supposed to use a game-based power point presentation. However, the electricity was off that time and that was unexpected.I was already thinking that it was quite impossible to deliver the lesson because it was supposed to revolve around the game and without the game I couldn't possibly go on with the discussion. What I did is that, there was the teacher's table in front of the classroom, I grabbed a chair, put it on top of the table and put my laptop on the chair. Fortunately, we all survived the day and the students were still able to enjoy the game though it was a bit messy because the students were too enthusiastic.

Classroom Management

The average number of students in one class is 35-36. The tables and chairs are arranged properly except for instances that we were playing a game. The students are a bit noisy sometimes and they need to be reminded to settle down and minimize their noise. The classrooms are air-conditioned and are well-lit which are quite conducive to learning. I find difficulty sometimes in managing the class because I have a small voice and sometimes they can't hear me so what I did is for us to have this response system that whenever I will say "Eyes on me" they will reply with the line "Eyes on you.". That way, I was able to get their attention whenever the class is becoming a bit noisy. 

X MIPA 6 with Pak Sudi and Ibu Ana ❤️_Te

Here is a short video of me assisting students while they do their worksheets:

Overall Impression

Teaching a class with a different language, culture and education system is quite challenging. Adjustments are to be made from time to time. Yet, given this opportunity, I can say that I was really fortunate to experience such. It was fun teaching the students, overwhelming even. After that month-long internship, I know I have gained new knowledge, have improved and have welcomed diverse ideas and approaches in teaching.

Below are samples of the lesson plans, worksheets and power point presentations I used during the practice teaching.

Lesson Plans and Worksheets

PowerPoint Presentations

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